Why Do We Think Women Are Better People?

Nikita Coulombe
7 min readNov 6, 2016
… and no women ever invented life-saving antibiotics, electricity, or the printing press. In fact, men are listed as the primary inventor in more than 9 out of 10 patents and the top patent classes where women are the primary inventor are travel goods and personal belongings, jewelry, and apparel. Who is sexist here: Michael Moore, me, society, or mother nature? If you answered “all of the above,” click here to exit this article.

In The Myth of Male Power, Warren Farrell remarked, “feminism suggested that God might be a ‘She,’ but never suggested that the devil might also be a ‘she.’”

In a revealing Pew survey, both men and women thought women are better people than men — more compassionate, honest, intelligent, outgoing and creative. The sexes were tied when it came to perceptions of their work ethic and ambitiousness. The only thing men were thought to be better at was decisiveness. Men were also rated as more arrogant and stubborn while women were rated as more manipulative and emotional.

Why do we believe men are of lower moral caliber than women? There are many factors, no doubt, but I want to focus on a couple ideas not often discussed: men may appear to be less moral than women because they often take on more responsibility — which increases the chances of mishandling responsibility and putting others in harm’s way; and because of how men and women reward each other, men have to do more to impress the opposite sex and therefore have to take more risks — which means breaking some rules, making some rules, and then enforcing those rules.

Throughout history, there have been great male leaders, good male leaders, bad male leaders, and some downright evil male leaders. But women in positions of power haven’t exactly been benevolent saints, as…

